Update From Senator Nozzolio: On-Time State Budget Will Not Increase Taxes and Cuts Spending
Michael F. Nozzolio
March 29, 2011
- Budget

It’s long overdue, but I am pleased to report that New York State government is working again.
Through the aggressive efforts of the new Republican leadership in the New York State Senate, working closely with Governor Cuomo, we are now moving full speed ahead toward not only an on-time budget, but possibly one enacted even a few days earlier than the deadline.
The budget agreement my colleagues and I have reached upholds the commitments that I made to the people of my Senate District. THIS BUDGET DOES NOT RAISE TAXES, DOES NOT INCREASE SPENDING OR INCREASE THE SIZE OF GOVERNMENT, AND IT WILL EMPOWER THE PRIVATE SECTOR TO ONCE AGAIN CREATE NEW, WELL PAYING JOBS.
The budget actually reduces year-to-year spending by 2 percent, cuts State Agency expenditures back by 10 percent and begins to put New York State back on the road to fiscal recovery.
In fact, next year’s projected budget deficit has already been reduced from $15 billion to $2 billion.
This budget bridges the State’s deficit entirely through spending reductions - there are NO new taxes and NO borrowing. By enacting a budget without tax increases, we have sent a very clear signal that New York can be competitive once again and that we can and will encourage businesses to invest in New York. Under this budget proposal, we have reduced Medicaid spending by $ 2.8 billion and taken the first steps to create a program that taxpayers can afford.
While reducing wasteful spending in our State government, this budget will continue to support critical programs like education and provide for a fairer allocation of State aid to our local schools by distributing resources more equitably between Upstate school districts and those in New York City.
This budget agreement shows that with the right leadership and by working together, fiscal responsibility and accountability in New York State government can be restored. I commend Governor Cuomo for working in partnership with us to deliver an on-time, balanced New York State budget. You can be assured that I will continue to work to build on this success and fight to reduce property taxes, eliminate unfunded State mandates and empower the private sector to create jobs in our region.