Senator Gianaris Gets GSA To Improve Homeland Security
Michael Gianaris
July 28, 2011
Procedures for Transporting U.S. License Plates Strengthened After Inquiry from Senator
Queens, NY – Due to Senator Michael Gianaris’ concern for Americans’ safety following a serious mishandling of official United States Government license plates, the U.S. General Services Administration (GSA) has revised and strengthened its procedures for transporting federal license plates.
The procedure will require official government license plates to be hand-delivered after Senator Gianaris discovered a mishap where more than 30 license plates were mailed to a wrong location in Astoria rather than their intended destination of Montrose, New York.
“This is not a time in our nation’s history to be mishandling federal identification,” Senator Gianaris said. “We could face grave consequences if these license plates end up in the wrong hands when there are people looking to do our country harm.”
Earlier this year, a local resident received a package containing 32 official federal license plates addressed to him which arrived at his place of business. This resident is a non-government employee and had no knowledge of the plates.
Senator Gianaris requested a review of GSA’s procedures regarding the handling of United States government license plates and asked that the agency take all appropriate action to ensure that such errors do not reoccur. He also suggested that an additional audit may be necessary to identify areas where control of the license plates can further be increased.
Senator Gianaris recently received a response from the GSA informing him of the new procedures to better protect the American public. (See attached letter.)