Cancer Screening Program of Western Suffolk County Provides Services to the Uninsured.

Owen H. Johnson

February 10, 2011

If you are between the ages of 50-64, you may be eligible for free cancer screening through the Cancer Services Program.  The Cancer Services Program of Western Suffolk County is administered by Good Samaritan Hospital.  It is a network of health care professionals and organizations that bring their resources, skills and expertise together to provide education, targeted outreach and comprehensive cancer screening services to the community. 

The Cancer Services Program reimburses hospitals and health care providers for breast, cervical and colorectal cancer screening and diagnostic services they provide to uninsured and underinsured men and women. 

If your test results are abnormal, the Cancer Services Program will follow you through the entire process and assign a patient navigator to help guide you.  The navigator is a nurse who can help you overcome obstacles so that you can get the treatment you need.

Call the Cancer Services Program in Western Suffolk County at 631.376.3434, or visit their website at: