New Legislation to Allow July Elections in Fair Harbor Fire Department.

Owen H. Johnson

August 17, 2011

Legislation sponsored by Senator Owen H. Johnson to allow the Fair Harbor Fire District to hold elections on the second Tuesday of July, rather than in December, was signed into law by Governor Andrew Cuomo on August 3, 2011.

“This is exciting news for the Fire Island community because it will increase participation in the Fair Harbor Fire District elections,” Senator Johnson said.  “It is in the interest of democracy and the rights of the registered voters that elections take place in July.  This will bring Fair Harbor in line with most other Fire Island Communities where many property owners do not reside year-round and cannot easily gain access in the winter.”

The law takes effect in January, 2012, requiring one more election in December, 2011.  The following election will take place in July, 2012, and all subsequent elections will be held in July.

In other Fair Harbor news, Fair Harbor Fire Commissioners Brett Roberts and Julius Lokin met with Senator Johnson in late July to discuss the Emergency Medical Service Unit service to the community and also the recent consolidation of the Fair Harbor and Lonelyville Fire Districts.   During that meeting, Senator Johnson was presented with a shirt that commemorates the 80th Anniversary of the Fair Harbor Fire Department.

Photograph left to right:  Brett Roberts, Member, Fair Harbor Board of Fire Commissioners; Owen H. Johnson, Senator; and Julius Lokin, Member, Fair Harbor Board of Fire Commissioners.