Taylor Korsiak of May Moore Elementary School Winner of 2011 Earth Day Poster Contest

Owen H. Johnson

July 19, 2011

Senator Owen H. Johnson was pleased to award Taylor Korsiak of May Moore Elementary School in Deer Park first place winner of this year’s NY Senate Earth Day Poster Contest.  The theme of the contest was “Reduce, Reuse, Recycle.”  Students in Grades K-6 participating in the contest were encouraged to create a poster that conveyed a real commitment to making the environment a better place.  Senator Johnson visited May Moore Elementary School on June 8, 2011 to congratulate Taylor and present her with a first place ribbon and a certificate for her participation in the 2011 Earth Day Poster Contest.

Photograph from left to right:  Krissy Noblett, Second Grade Teacher, May Moore School; Alane Korsiak; Taylor Korsiak, Earth Day Poster Contest Winner, Second Grader, May Moore School; Owen H. Johnson, NY Senator; and Marge Pasqualone (Taylor’s Grandmother).