Statement From Senator Patrick M. Gallivan Regarding Governor Andrew Cuomo’s Signing Property Tax Cap Legislation

Patrick M. Gallivan

July 5, 2011

“New York State homeowners and small businesses pay the highest local taxes in the nation. That fact only rings truer in Western New York -- where we have seen our jobs, our friends, and our neighbors leave in record numbers because of the back-breaking property tax burden. The Governor’s visit today not only signifies that he understands the unique challenges we face in Western New York, but that he is also willing to partner with anyone who shares his commitment to addressing those challenges."

“Standing up for the taxpayers of Western New York has been my top priority in Albany. Now, thanks to Governor Cuomo’s leadership and cooperation on this issue, New York has a property tax cap that will keep families in their homes, grow our communities, and foster economic development. We worked hard over the past months to bring this much-needed relief to the taxpayers of New York. This is a major step in revitalizing our state’s economy and I look forward to continuing working with Governor Cuomo to rebuild New York State.”