My Spirit Continues To Be Uplifted
Ruben Diaz
July 11, 2011
By New York State Senator Reverend Ruben Diaz
During the past two weeks, I have worn a badge of honor as the only Democrat in the New York State Senate to oppose Governor Andrew Cuomo's legislation to redefine our definition of marriage from one man and one woman.
Christians are never afraid to be alone because we know that we are never alone.
I have been blessed the past two weeks with an outpouring of support from countless New Yorkers who have embraced me on the street, called me, written to me, and posted online thanking me for standing strong for my convictions. These include:
New York Archbishop Timothy Dolan: "I have read your July 7 piece. Bravo! Consider me a grateful ally who admires you deeply." In Christ, +Timothy M. Dolan
Pastor Beverley Kazmierczak from Lancaster, NY: "Keep on fighting for the truth of GOD’s word."
Unification Church in Latham, NY: "Thank You! and God Bless You Ruben Diaz! for Standing With God’s Viewpoint! Dios de Bendiga!"
Buffalo, New York: "That is one of the things I like in you unlike my senator (Grisanti) who is the one who is getting the most attention over that awful bill. I am registered Rep and on the Party Committee for the Councilmanic District, City and County but you are the only Dem I am willing to support. I have friended you on Facebook and unfriended my senator."
As a State Senator from the South Bronx, I’ve been genuinely surprised by the uplifting messages from people I have never met from all over the United States. Some of these include:
Oklahoma State Rep. Sally Kern: "Sen. Diaz, you are in my prayers. Three years ago I was the target of the homosexuals because of statements I made regarding the dangers of the homosexual agenda. So I know what you are going through. Continue to stand strong on God's Word. What the homosexuals mean for evil toward you, God will use for His glory, your good, and the benefit of others. God bless you and your family."
California: "Just read about how you stood strong for traditional marriage in the face of severe opposition, and how you continue to do so. Wanted you to know that we here in CA are with you, and we are praying for you! You are an inspiration to our entire family and community to stand strong in the truth of Jesus Christ. God bless you, Sir and thank you with all our hearts!"
Simpsonville, South Carolina: "I am a social and fiscal conservative and vote republican. I was very impressed with your vote against homosexual marriage and commend you for standing on principle and not allowing the reprobates and degenerates in your party to sway your vote. I am reminded of a quote from Edmund Burke who said 'All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.'"
Seattle, Washington: "I will pray for you. God Bless and Keep you."
Elkton, Maryland: "Just a quick thank you for standing up for traditional marriage Sir, thank you so much. Know that there are many like you out here, and the gay mafia is loud but is really small in numbers."
McAllen, Texas: "Wish we had more men of God that are not afraid to stand for what they believe. God bless you and stand strong. I will pray for you."
Fairfield, California: "Thanks for defending NY & America ... I'm GOP but I would vote for you or any true pro-family/pro-life advocate. I pray for your continued courage. God bless your family and your service to heal our country of its moral cancer. God bless you."
Brownwood, Texas: "Thank you for standing for marriage as God has ordained it, and for the babies in the womb".
South Boston, MA: "Thank you for being brave in your fight against homosexual marriage. By doing so you exposed yourself to the venom of hate from the bill's supporters. Thank you for not caving in when everybody else did. I wish our politicians had HALF the guts you do! God bless you & keep you safe."
San Antonio, Texas: "Thank you Senator Diaz for voting against the gay marriage amendment. You will be prayed for as I pray for God to lift up the righteous and bring down the wicked across our country."
Dallas, Texas: "Thank you for standing for God's design and purpose of marriage. God bless you abundantly."
Portland, Maine: "Thank you Sen. Diaz for doing the right thing."
Newberg, Oregon: "In the face of so much ugly 'tolerance' from those who disapprove of your stance on marriage, I'd like to personally say THANK YOU for standing firm on the issue most precious to the well-being of our country, which is marriage between a man and a woman, and the stability it provides to our children. I stand with you, and support you!"
I'd like to thank all whose comments I have posted here and also the multitude of others who have taken their time to buoy me as I continue to serve the people of New York and continue my walk with the Lord.
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