Senator Diaz to Governor Cuomo: Your Lieutenant Governor is Getting Stripped of Power!
Ruben Diaz
February 4, 2011
- Executive
February 3, 2011
For Immediate Release
Senator Diaz to Governor Cuomo: Your Lieutenant Governor is Getting Stripped of Power!
New York State Senator Reverend Rubén Díaz (D-Bronx) released the following statement today in response to legislation introduced today by Senate Republicans and supported by five Democrats that would remove a constitutional provision that the lieutenant governor shall act as governor when the governor leaves the state:
“I am surprised that Governor Andrew Cuomo is sitting idle while the Senate Republicans - along with the help of five Senate Democrats – continue to strip the Lieutenant Governor of his constitutional powers.
I am afraid that if he does not take immediate action, Governor Andrew Cuomo will go down in New York history as the governor who allowed his partner – his Lieutenant Governor – to be stripped of power.
This week the Senate – with the help of 5 Democrats – voted to strip Lieutenant Governor of his ability to cast tie-breaker votes in the Chamber. Now they are trying to strip him of more power.
I am devastated that five Democrats are assisting with these schemes and I am surprised that Governor Cuomo is quietly allowing this to occur on his watch.”
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