Foreclosure and Homeownersip Preservation

Shirley L. Huntley

November 3, 2011

News From New York State
Senator Shirley L. Huntley
Bryant G. Gaspard | | (518) 455-3531
For Immediate Release: November 4, 2011                                                                                                                    



Jamaica, New York (11/4/11) - On November 1, 2011 Senator Huntley sponsored and presented a workshop with CHANGER Connect Queens to provide homeowners information about preserving their home, to prevent foreclosure, and to help them if they’re currently going through a foreclosure. Senator Huntley has worked previously on foreclosure prevention with CHANGER Connect Queens, an advocacy organization that works with homeowners to end abusive mortgage lending practices in low and moderate income communities in New York City. The event took place at St. Clement Pope Roman Catholic Church.

In the Southeast Queens community, foreclosures have negatively impacted families, neighbors, and communities.  The rate of foreclosures in this part of Queens has outpaced the rate statewide, due in large part to the housing bubble burst, and financial collapse of banks in 2008 before they were bailed out.  The workshop focused on helping residents preserve their home by finding ways to reduce or spread out mortgage payments.  It also concentrated on aiding those who are currently in foreclosure and providing them information about the Home Affordable Modification Program (HAMP).
Non-profit professionals and counselors were present from Legal Aid Society, Neighborhood Housing, Queens Legal Service, and CHANGER, Inc. Homeowners spoke with particular organizations depending on their problem and were given advice, information, and referrals on site.  Additionally, some homeowners scheduled meetings and one-on-one appointments with the counselors to further discuss their respective situations.