Funeral Procession

Shirley L. Huntley

May 2, 2011

News From New York State
Senator Shirley L. Huntley
For Immediate Release:
May 4, 2011
Contact: Antonio Rodriguez | | (518) 455-3531

*Press Release*

Funeral Procession

(D-Jamaica) On May 3rd 2011, the New York State Senate unanimously passed Senator Shirley L. Huntley’s legislation (S. 3022) on interfering with a funeral procession. The bill would subject drivers who unreasonably interfere in a procession to a traffic infraction and a fine of no more than $150 dollars. “During a funeral procession, safety is of the utmost importance to the drivers who are transporting a deceased loved one.  However, some other motorist may take it upon themselves to interfere in the procession so they cut in between the procession and drive faster, said Senator Huntley.” 

Throughout the State of New York especially in high population areas instances of drivers interfering in a funeral procession by speeding and going in between vehicles are both dangerous and disrespectful to the family and friends of the deceased.

“I have personally seen drivers on Queens Boulevard in the borough of Queens, and many other roadways show blatant disregard for a funeral procession and sometimes force their way in between two vehicles while they were traveling in an orderly fashion. Senate Bill 3022 would allow law enforcement to write up a traffic infraction and possible fine up to $150 dollars for drivers who interfere in the procession.” said Senator Shirley L. Huntley

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New York State Senate Email | | (518) 455-3531