Focusing on the Future, Senator Oppenheimer Takes Her Oath of Office

Suzi Oppenheimer

January 11, 2011

On the day Governor Andrew Cuomo delivered his important first State of the State message Senator Suzi Oppenheimer (D-Mamaroneck) was sworn in to a new term in the New York State Senate by Chief Judge Jonathan Lippman. The brief swearing-in ceremony took place in the Senate Chamber.

Embracing the serious challenges facing the state, Senator Oppenheimer vowed to work closely with Governor Cuomo to restore New York’s fiscal health and ensure greater integrity and accountability in Albany. “I support the important goals Governor Cuomo has set for state government: improved performance in addressing the pressing problems facing New York, tax relief, and restructuring state government to reduce costs. Now is the time to make change happen.”

“I am encouraged that both the Governor and the Legislature are committed to addressing property taxes, which have reached unsustainable levels in Westchester County and throughout the State,” continued the Senator. “I will continue to push for mandate relief for schools and municipalities, as well as increased flexibility to contain costs through shared services and other means.”

Senator Oppenheimer also expressed hope that the Legislature will soon act to implement the governmental reforms endorsed by Governor Cuomo in his State of the State address. “I have long supported these measures, which include the establishment of an independent redistricting commission, stricter controls on campaign contributions and reform of the state budgeting process, and I am excited that the Governor shares my commitment for a more open, accountable and effective state government.”

“There is much to like in the Governor’s State of the State address. But there will be much hard work and difficult choices ahead as we hammer out the details of the Governor’s legislative agenda. I call upon my colleagues on both sides of the aisle to work together to put our fiscal house in order, to streamline state government through prudent reorganization, and to restore faith and integrity in Albany.”