Senator Kennedy and Agriculture Commissioner Aubertine Host Roundtable Discussion with Eden Valley Growers

Timothy M. Kennedy

December 15, 2011

Group gathers to discuss issues important to the farming community.  

EDEN, N.Y. – Senator Timothy M. Kennedy, the ranking member of the Senate Agriculture Committee, and Darrel J. Aubertine, Commissioner of the New York State Department of Agriculture, held a roundtable discussion today in Eden with members of the Eden Valley Growers. Kennedy invited members of the local farming community to the event to meet with the new commissioner and to discuss important agricultural issues.

"I would like to thank Commissioner Aubertine for making the trip to Eden. His actions clearly demonstrate a commitment to Western New York’s farming community, and I look forward to continuing to work with him to address issues important to organizations like the Eden Valley Growers,” Senator Kennedy said. “The agriculture industry is vitally important to the rebirth of our regional and statewide economy. Discussions like this one create an environment where stakeholders feel comfortable expressing their ideas and sharing their concerns.”

Topics discussed at the roundtable focused on challenges facing Upstate farmers and the State’s role in making it easier for businesses to expand. Those in attendance touched on issues involving the workforce, economic development incentives and legislative priorities for the upcoming year.

Since taking office in January 2011, Senator Kennedy has been working closely with the farming community. He was recently named to the New York Farm Bureau’s ‘Circle of Friends’. Kennedy recently recommended William “Bill” Zittel of Amos Zittel and Sons, Inc. for an appointment to the Agricultural Health and Safety Advisory Board, which helps guide the work of the New York Center for Agricultural Medicine and Health.

Attendees at the roundtable included representatives from the Eden Valley Growers, Bill and Kevin Zittel from Amos Zittel and Sons, Dan Henry from W.D. Henry & Sons, Jim Agle from Henry Agle & Sons, Marty Rosiek from MCR Farm, Dennis Brawdy from D & J Brawdy Farm, and Paul Baker, the Executive Director of Agricultural Affiliates.