Senator Young Presents Medals to Local Veterans
Catharine Young
October 4, 2012
- Veterans
Corporal Carlo and the family of Private First Class Daversa receive medals to acknowledge their service to our country
JAMESTOWN – Senator Catharine Young (R,C,I- Olean) awarded medals today to two deserving, local veterans during a Medal Presentation Ceremony at City Hall in Jamestown. Private First Class Armand “Chico” Daversa, who received the medals posthumously, and Corporal Peter Carlo were honored for their years of service and dedication to the nation.
“All veterans should be commended for their service to our country and I am proud to stand here today and honor two of our local heroes,” said Senator Young. “Private First Class Daversa, who left us a little over a year ago, and Corporal Carlo are shining examples of the brave men and women who have protected our freedom over the years. Their selfless desire to put our nation first is something that we can all look up to and respect.”
“Receiving these medals today means an awful lot to me,” said Corporal Carlo. “I feel honored to be recognized by Senator Young and am excited to receive these medals that I earned. Events like this help all veterans and raise awareness about veterans issues throughout the community.”
“I’d like to thank Senator Young for recognizing the military achievements of my father,” said David Daversa, son of Private First Class Daversa. “His military service is something that I am most proud of. Although he never spoke much about his service and being in combat in Korea, it makes me very proud that he served at a young age and was part of military that helped enhance the lives of his family and secure our country. I am grateful for all veterans, and I am thankful that Senator Young goes out of her way to acknowledge the service and sacrifices that many veterans have made.”
Armand “Chico” Daversa was born in Jamestown, New York on June 6, 1932. He graduated from Jamestown High School in 1951. He went on the serve in the U.S. Army from 1952 – 1954 in the Korean War. During that time, he was a lead combat medic with the 25th Infantry. He left the Army as a Private First Class, receiving numerous medals during his service, including the Purple Heart, the Bronze Star, the New York State Conspicuous Service Cross, United Nations Service Medal, the National Defense Service Medal, the Republic of Korea Korean War Service Medal, the Combat Medic Badge and the Cold War Recognition Certificate.
After returning home, Private First Class Daversa received a degree from Jamestown Community College in 1971. He also attended Fredonia State College and Buffalo State College. He worked as a detective with the Jamestown Police Department, as captain of security guards for Pri-Det Security Service and as a client counselor for the Southern Tier Environment for the Living.
He was very active in his community and was a loving husband to his wife Barbara, and a devoted father to their four sons, David, Randall, Jeffrey and Gregg. Mr. Daversa passed away on September 6, 2011.
Private First Class Daversa’s story was brought to Senator Young’s attention when his eldest son, David, was putting together a memorial display of his father’s medals, but some were missing or lost. Today, his family is accepted the Korean War Service Medal, the new York State Conspicuous Service Cross and the Cold War Recognition Certificate on his behalf.
Peter Carlo was born in Dunkirk, New York on May 4, 1931. He served in the Army from 1952-1954 in the Korean War with Company C, 1st Battalion, 9th Infantry Regiment, 2nd Infantry Division. When he left the Army, he held the rank of Corporal. He received numerous awards, including the Army Good Conduct Medal, the Navy Unit Commendation, the Republic of Korea Presidential Unit Citation, the Korean Service Medal with Three Bronze Stars, the United Nations Service Medal, the National Defense Service Medal, the Purple Heart, the Navy Unit Commendation, the Republic of Korea Korean War Service Medal, the Combat Infantryman Badge and the Cold War Recognition Certificate.
Corporal Carlo first came to Senator Young’s office to discuss surplus property in Jamestown for the new Veterans Park. In subsequent conversations with staff, it came up that his Army records were destroyed. After many months of communications with Veterans Affairs staff, Senator Young’s office was able to attain the medals that Corporal Carlo was entitled to.
“The sacrifices that veterans have made for us are tremendous,” added Senator Young. “I have always fought to help them after their service has ended, and I will continue to be someone who veterans can turn to as a friend and ally.”
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