Senator Fuschillo Announces Passage of State Budget
Charles J. Fuschillo Jr.
March 30, 2012
- Budget

Senator Charles J. Fuschillo, Jr. (R-Merrick) today announced passage of the 2012-13 New York State budget which creates jobs, controls spending, and closes a multi-billion dollar deficit without raising taxes. The budget accomplishes these objectives through smarter investment and better coordination of state resources to maximize economic development benefits.
“Just like last year, this year’s state budget addresses the right priorities; creating jobs, promoting economic development, and being fiscally responsible, all without raising taxes. We’ve also improved efficiencies and streamlined operations so that government can continue to do more with less, just as families must do in this economy. By continuing to work together in a bipartisan manner, we will keep New York State moving forward,” said Senator Fuschillo.
The 2012-13 state budget helps continue to point New York State in the right direction by:
Creating Jobs and Economic Development:
* Create jobs, generate economic development, and upgrade the state’s aging and deteriorating infrastructure by investing in road and bridge improvement projects. This includes the New York Works Program, which will help accelerate repair, replacement, and improvement of deficient roads and bridges.
* The Budget creates the New York Works Task Force to coordinate capital funding across 45 state agencies and authorities. The Task Force will also recommend financing options for projects and methods to accelerate construction of critical infrastructure.
* Support full funding for the remaining three years of the 2010-14 MTA Capital Program, a program which is expected to create 350,000 jobs and generate $44 billion in economic activity.
* The Budget authorizes a second round of funding for job creation and community development through 10 Regional Economic Development Councils.
Protecting Taxpayers:
* The budget contains no new taxes or fees for the second year in a row.
* State agency operations continue to be streamlined and improved to ensure that government does more with less.
Lowering Costs for Municipalities:
* The budget includes a state takeover of growth in the local share of Medicaid costs. Once the state takeover is fully phased in, Nassau and Suffolk Counties will no longer have to contribute to the growth in Medicaid expenses, saving them millions of dollars.
Improving Transportation Infrastructure:
* Increased investment in road, bridge, and highway projects to help improve our transportation infrastructure, create jobs, and promote economic development. This includes funding for the New York Works program.
* Increase operating aid for the Metropolitan Transportation Authority (MTA).
* Enable full funding for the remainder of the MTA’s 2010-14 Capital Program. This will allow ongoing mega-projects such as East Side Access, which will link the LIRR to Grand Central Terminal, to continue to move forward. It will also accelerate the LIRR Double Track proposal by as much as two years, as well as expedite other important projects. Additionally, it will allow for the completion of improvements at stations, and the purchase of new buses and subway and rail cars.
* Help local governments pay for road improvement projects by maintaining Consolidated Highway Improvement Program (CHIPS) funding and Marchiselli funding.
Supporting Education:
* Increase state education aid to help schools fund important programs, services, and operations which help educate students.
Lowering Prescription Drug Costs for Seniors:
* Restored funding to the Elderly Pharmaceutical Insurance Coverage Program (EPIC) to help reduce co-payments for eligible seniors.
Senator Fuschillo (standing center) is pictured with Governor Andrew Cuomo (seated), Senate Majority Leader Dean Skelos (right) and Assembly Speaker Sheldon Silver (left) as the Governor approves the 2012-13 State Budget.