Senator Fuschillo Congratulates Robert Lloyd on Appointment to State’s Amistad Commission
Charles J. Fuschillo Jr.
May 16, 2012
Senator Charles J. Fuschillo, Jr. (R-Merrick) recently congratulated Robert Lloyd on being appointed to the Amistad Commission. Mr. Lloyd was appointed by Senate Majority Leader Dean Skelos at the recommendation of Senator Fuschillo.
The Amistad Commission reviews state education curriculum regarding slavery and seeks ways to improve education about the history of slavery and its impact, along with the significant contributions made by African-Americans to the development of this country.
Mr. Lloyd serves as the Executive Director of the Long Island Citizens for Community Values, a non-profit organization which fights to reduce sexual violence against women, children, and families. The group also operates a victims assistance program to help those affected by sexual violence and exploitation.
Additionally, Mr. Lloyd is a co-founder of the Long Island Teen Challenge, a non-profit organization which offers aid, support, and care to men, women, and families suffering life-controlling problems with drugs, alcohol, or crime.
Senator Fuschillo (right) is pictured with Robert Lloyd (left).