Senator Fuschillo Statement on Governor’s Budget Proposal
Charles J. Fuschillo Jr.
January 17, 2012
“Earlier today, Governor Cuomo unveiled his Executive Budget proposal which attempts to address many of the challenges facing New York State in the coming year.
First and foremost is closing the state’s budget deficit without raising taxes. Last year, we worked in a bipartisan manner to close a $10 billion budget deficit without raising taxes. With residents still overtaxed, overburdened, and facing the challenges caused by this economy, that’s exactly the same approach we must take again now, and the Governor’s budget reflects that.
The Governor is also planning to invest in economic development to help create jobs, improve our infrastructure and help our economy grow, all of which are critical priorities.
As Chairman of the Senate’s Transportation Committee, I’m also pleased that the Governor’s budget seeks to accelerate capital investment to perform desperately needed repairs to our transportation infrastructure. These projects bring tremendous economic and safety benefits, and we need to get them moving forward. We also need to develop a statewide transportation plan to improve our infrastructure and create jobs in all regions of the state, as well as continue to explore public-private partnerships as an alternative delivery method for infrastructure projects.
I look forward to reviewing the details of the Governor’s budget and working together with the Governor and my colleagues in the Legislature during the budget process.”