Squadron Announces Swimming Pool at Bbp This Summer

Daniel L. Squadron

February 29, 2012

Squadron, Colleagues Secured Pool As Part of Agreement to Complete Park, Reduce Housing

BROOKLYN -- Today, State Senator Daniel Squadron welcomed the Brooklyn Bridge Park Corporation's board of directors' approval of the design and installation of a pool at Brooklyn Bridge Park this summer. Senator Squadron and Assemblymember Millman, supported by Councilmembers Levin and Lander, secured the pool for at least five summers as part of their August 2011 agreement to move the park forward and reduce housing. 

"We were so pleased to secure this pool at Brooklyn Bridge Park - and this summer, families can dive right in! Brooklyn Bridge Park has already made waves, and this pool is certain to make a splash," said Senator Squadron. "A pool and other active recreation are critical to the long-term success of Brooklyn Bridge Park for the next five summers and beyond. I look forward to working with BBPC and my colleagues to make this and other active recreation permanent parts of the park."

The 30-by-50 foot above ground family pool on Pier 2 will be 3.5 feet deep and surrounded by decks and poolside recreation, and will serve children and families, as well as others.
