Statement by Senator David Carlucci Regarding State Senate Budget Proposal
David Carlucci
March 13, 2012
- Taxes
Nanuet, NY (March 12, 2012) – Senator David Carlucci today issued the following statement regarding the proposed 2012-2013 State Senate budget:
“This year’s proposal mirrors the successful budget we passed in last year’s legislative session. While it continues to hold the line on taxes and out of control spending, it also provides bold incentives that offer ways to grow our economy. Similar to the Hire Veterans Now Act bill I introduced last year, the proposed Hire-A-Vet legislation included would allow small businesses to be offered a tax incentive of up to $10,000 for providing a job opportunity to an unemployed veteran.
“Consumers are also provided relief to costs associated with skyrocketing premiums, unaffordable utility bills, and real mandate relief. Under this plan, seniors on low and fixed incomes will see their prescription drug prices reduced with the restoration of the EPIC program. Ratepayers will no longer be forced to pay yearly increases in their utility bills through the repeal of the 18a assessment. Mandate relief and real savings will be provided to public libraries, towns, and villages from having to pay the onerous MTA payroll tax.
“Working with Governor Cuomo and my Senate colleagues, I am confident that we can reach a bi-partisan agreement that puts middle class taxpayers first and puts the state on the right fiscal footing.”
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