Statement by Senate Majority Leader Dean Skelos

Dean G. Skelos

August 7, 2012

Assembly Should Pass Senate’s Tough Synthetic Marijuana/Bath Salts Bill

The actions taken by Governor Cuomo to crack down on synthetic marijuana and bath salts are a good step towards preventing the sale and possession of these very dangerous drugs.  However, we need to go even further to stop the scourge of these terrible drugs that are causing deaths and acts of violence. That’s why I am calling on the state Assembly to pass the Senate’s bill (S6694) to impose felony-level penalties for the sale and possession of bath salts and synthetic marijuana.

The Senate bill, sponsored by Senators John Flanagan and Joe Griffo, would impose felony sanctions on individuals who continue to push synthetic marijuana and bath salts.  In fact, anyone caught selling these drugs to minors on or near school grounds could get up to 25 years in prison.

Parents who have lost children and others who have suffered from these drugs would agree that the Assembly should join the Senate in passing this bill and sending the strongest possible message that New York will not tolerate the sale or possession of synthetic marijuana and bath salts.