Martins Classic 3-on-3 Coming July 14th!
Jack M. Martins
June 18, 2012

The Martins Classic 3-on-3 Basketball Tournament committee had another packed meeting this past weekend in preparation for the annual community day on July 14th. Tournament organizers hosted over 320 volunteers and community members at the Dutch Broadway School cafeteria. Last year, over 4,500 community residents came through the tournament which featured basketball, soccer, football and specialty events for all ages. The tournament will be played at Dutch Broadway School on July 14th. Tip-off takes place at 10am.
Tournament Chairman Scott Cushing led the session that assigned volunteers to their respective areas and briefed the audience on the Tournament’s progress. “Without a doubt, this tournament will be the biggest tournament we’ve had since we’ve started started 9 years ago. Each area of this day has some of the most talented athletes to have ever come out of Elmont Memorial, Sewanhaka, Floral Park and Carey High Schools. I am really proud of the effort and support we have received."
The tournament is entirely free and there are no costs to participants. Lunch is included as well as give-aways, prizes and much more.
The 3-on-3 Tournament will be hosting the New York Knicks, Long Island Rough Riders and many more exciting appearances. Throughout the day, games, events and specialty areas will offer exciting competition and fun for all ages. Tournament applications for basketball can be attained by emailing organizers at dutchtourney@gmail.com or by calling Senator Jack Martins’ district office at 746-5924.
During the meeting, committee coordinators gave reports on the tournament and preparations. Marvin Lee discussed referee duties and ground security. Rahaman Adenlola went over the rules for the 1st annual 3pt shoot out. Mustapha Allanah and Qusarn Caldwell outlined the Lacrosse Clinic and special “Old Skool versus New Skool Lacrosse Challenge.” Donald Pierre-Louis briefed the group on the 7-on-7 Football Challenge. Slam Dunk Coordinators Timothy Jean and Nachbi Lacoissiere announced the Slam Dunk Contest rules and that DJ Monumental of MTV television show 106 and Park will MC the competition. Exhibit Chairperson Ian Feurtado provided the official ground plan for volunteers and Darian Bryant discussed the Soccer Challenge.
“July 14th is going to be, without a doubt, the biggest outdoor athletic event for our young people throughout the area in history. The games are a lot of fun and the excitement surrounding this day is extraordinary,” said State Senator Jack Martins the sponsor of the day with State Senate Majority Leader Dean Skelos.
Tournament organizers are encouraging prospective players to download tournament forms and check out all the rules by visiting Senator Martins’ website. It has has information on the tournament, rules, forms, videos and fun facts about the Martins Classic 3-on-3.
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