Senate Passes Legislation Sponsored by Senator Jim Alesi to Regulate Harmful Substances in Children’s Jewelry
James S. Alesi
June 21, 2012
Legislation Would Regulate Heavy Metals, Magnets, and Batteries in Children’s Jewelry
The Senate today passed a measure sponsored by Senator Jim Alesi that would establish comprehensive safety requirements for regulating heavy metals, magnets, and batteries in children’s jewelry intended for children age 12 and younger. The bill (S.7715) also includes limits on cadmium in children’s jewelry, protecting children from being exposed to harmful levels of toxins.
“It is everyone’s responsibility to protect our children, especially from products containing hazardous substances,” said Senator Alesi. “This bill takes an important step to prevent the manufacture, sale, and distribution of children’s jewelry that could cause accidental and unnecessary exposure to dangerous toxins, and severe health effects in our children.”
This bill would adopt a comprehensive set of safety requirements for children’s jewelry to control children’s risk of exposure to potentially hazardous levels of cadmium and other substances, and would also impose new requirements for magnets and batteries in children’s jewelry.
The bill will be sent to the Assembly.
Senator Alesi’s legislation to regulate harmful substances in children’s jewelry is the latest in a series of measures introduced by Senator Alesi. Since joining the Senate, Senator Alesi has sponsored numerous bills aimed at protecting children from dangerous toxins, including legislation that would remove lead (S.1928) and cadmium (S.4055) from toys, novelty items and costume jewelry, and legislation that established a Children’s Environmental Health Advisory Committee (Ch. 178 of 2006) to assist state agencies and schools in removing toxic cleaning agents from our schools.
Senator Alesi’s bill to prohibit the use of bisphenol-A (BPA) and other phthalates from baby bottles and pacifiers (S.5387) received national attention and has become the model for federal legislation. Also, Senator Alesi previously introduced “Safe Playground” legislation (Ch. 521 of 2002) that eliminated chromate copper arsenate (CCA) from pressure-treated lumber once commonly used for playgrounds.
The neurological damage caused by exposure to these chemicals cannot be reversed, and in many cases can cause lasting damage during a child’s critical stages of development. Continuing to work with health care and environmental advocates, education groups and parents, Senator Alesi continues his efforts to protect children from exposure to dangerous chemicals and harmful consumer products.