Senator Alesi Attends Cpr Recognition Event Celebrating 1,000 Students Trained in Cpr
James S. Alesi
March 22, 2012
- Health

Attendees Called on the Legislature to Act on Senator Alesi’s Legislation to Include CPR Instruction in High Schools
Senator Alesi today joined students, teachers, cardiac arrest survivors and representatives from the American Heart Association at Averill Park High School just north of Albany, where over 60 students and school administrators gathered to celebrate that more than 1,000 Averill Park students have been trained in CPR in the last three years.
“Averill Park High School has demonstrated successfully that CPR training can be done effectively in our public high schools by partnering with local ambulance and emergency response organizations in the community that volunteer to provide the necessary instruction,” said Senator Alesi. "Having performed CPR twice in recent years, I have been a strong advocate for efforts aimed at increasing the survival rate of cardiac arrest victims and I congratulate Averill Park High School on their accomplishments.”
Senator Alesi’s legislation (S.2491) would arm entire generations of New Yorkers with CPR training by incorporating basic cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) instruction and use of an automated external defibrillator (AED) into high school physical education or health curriculum.
While this legislation does not require students to become certified in CPR, Senator Alesi understands the importance of leading by example, and earlier this month, he and his entire Senate staff were trained and certified in CPR.
“Unquestionably, this legislation will increase awareness and knowledge of these crucial lifesaving techniques,” continued Senator Alesi. “It is my hope that high schools across New York State will see the benefit of training their students in CPR and AED use, and that more and more individuals can be saved when suffering cardiac arrest.”
Senator Alesi met two sudden cardiac arrest survivors, Michelle Haller and Kelly Crupi, at today’s event in Averill Park. In both instances, bystanders who knew CPR stepped in to save their lives, and Michelle and Kelly have since joined forces to begin teaching CPR to students in Averill Park.
“Again, I am proud to be a part of today’s celebration and I am looking forward to a continued partnership with the American Heart Association,
and local ambulance and emergency response organizations, to duplicate this success story statewide,” said Senator Alesi.
In 2010, the American Heart Association revised its CPR guidelines to the “hands-only” method, making it easier for people to perform CPR.