Senator Alesi Legislation to Strengthen Megan’s Law Passes Senate

James S. Alesi

March 14, 2012

 Legislation Creates Penalty for Providing False Information When Registering as a Sex Offender    

Senator Jim Alesi today announced that the Senate passed a bill (S.1927), which he sponsors, that makes it a Class E felony for a sex offender to submit fraudulent information regarding his or her identity or residence when registering or verifying under the Sex Offender Registration Act (created under Megan’s Law). 

“Due to the extremely serious nature of these types of crimes and the potential dangers that are created when the registry information is incorrect, it is essential that the registry remain accurate so as to be as effective as possible in protecting the public,” said Senator Alesi.  “Without accurate information being given to the registry, the law becomes unenforceable.  This is a potentially dangerous situation which should not be tolerated and should be punishable.” 

Senator Alesi’s legislation adds a new section to Megan’s Law to impose stricter penalties on those convicted sex offenders who provide false information on the sex offender registry created under Megan’s Law.  Currently, Megan’s Law only provides a penalty for failing to register.  Under the new provisions, it would be a Class E felony when a sex offender who is required to register under Megan’s Law intentionally submits false information regarding his or her identity or residence. 

“This measure will send a strong message that engaging in fraud related to the sex offender registry in any way will simply not be tolerated,” continued Senator Alesi.  “We must make every effort to eliminate attempts to dilute the purpose of effectiveness of Megan’s Law or to use it as a tool to defame an innocent person.”

Senator Alesi has championed several efforts to curtail the activities of these dangerous criminals.  Senator Alesi has sponsored and passed legislation that bars sex offenders from participating in community service programs for state correctional institutions and county jail work release programs as well as legislation to place residency requirements on where sex offenders can reside upon release from prison. 

The bill will be sent to the Assembly.
