LaValle: Bill Will Forbid Gasoline Retailers From Charging Consumers a Surcharge for Credit Card Use.

Kenneth P. LaValle

March 14, 2012

New York State Senator Kenneth P. LaValle (R-C-I, Port Jefferson) said today that he is introducing legislation in the New York State Senate that would prevent gasoline retailers from charging consumers exorbitant surcharges for using a credit card when purchasing gasoline.

“The law as written forbids charging consumers a surcharge for the use of their credit card,” LaValle  said.  “Because the statute is unclear,  retailers have been charging higher prices for credit card use but maintaining that the cash price represents a discount.  In some reported cases consumers have been charged a dollar more per gallon for gasoline when they use their credit card.  My bill will protect consumers from huge price differences.”

“In effect, “ LaValle said, profiteers are taking food off the table of cash strapped Long Islanders during a time of rising gas prices and  sputtering economy.”

The bill, which must pass the senate and assembly, would take effect  30 days after being signed into law by the Governor.