Ritchie Gets High Marks From Two Leading Pro-Jobs Groups
Patty Ritchie
August 22, 2012
Unshackle Upstate, Business Council of New York State Give Ritchie Positive Reviews
State Senator Patty Ritchie has received high marks from the state’s two leading pro-jobs groups, Unshackle Upstate and the New York Business Council.
“By cutting taxes, reducing spending, and creating jobs we are seeing a New York that is ‘working’ again,” said Senator Ritchie. “By continuing to work together and focusing on these goals we can get our state back to track and revitalize our economy.”
Earlier this week, the Business Council of New York State released its own report card, measuring lawmakers’ commitment to improving New York’s economy by scoring members of the Senate and Assembly on their votes on key legislation during the 2012 session. Senator Ritchie scored a 90 percent—top in the Senate.
On Wednesday, Unshackle Upstate, a pro-taxpayer, pro-jobs advocacy organization comprised of business and trade organizations, released its legislative scorecards, which graded legislators on the group’s pro-jobs agenda. Senator Ritchie received a score of 82, among the highest in both the Senate and Assembly.
“The accomplishments of the past two years represent a major change from prior legislative sessions, when our state government was branded as one of the nation’s most dysfunctional,” said Senator Ritchie.
Those accomplishments include:
· Enactment of a tough Property Tax Cap that is saving homeowners in the 48th Senate District more than $36 million in school taxes this year alone;
· Passage of the Middle Class Tax Cut that slashed New York’s income tax rates to their lowest in 58 years;
· Elimination of the state sales tax on most clothing purchases, saving families hundreds of dollars annually;
· Sweeping mandate relief, including a clampdown on runaway Medicaid costs;
· Job creation programs, such as creation of Regional Economic Development Councils that have helped make New York the fastest job-growing state in the US, and are helping turn the corner on the economic recession.
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