What You Should Know
Ruben Diaz
July 10, 2012
By Senator Rev. Rubén Díaz
32nd Senatorial District, Bronx County, New York
Tel. 718-991-3161
You should know that this is the title of a column that appeared in “The Washington Whispers” on July 6th, 2012 and written by Elizabeth Flock, a staff writer for U.S News and World. For your information, I am herewith quoting some of the information that appears in Ms. Flock’s column.
According to Ms. Flock, “The Coalition of African-American Pastors, a group based in Tennessee and presided by Rev. William Owens, “Is calling in black pastors from around the country to join them in rejecting the President for his stance on same-sex marriage.”
In a press release e-mailed to the Washington Whispers, Rev. Owens states and I quote: “We were once proud of President Obama, but our pride has turned to shame…..The man holding the most powerful position in the world is stopping to lead the country down on an immoral path”.
You should know that the Coalition of African American Pastors (CAAP), an organization composed of more than 1,300 members throughout the nation, like many other African-American groups and organizations, has become angry and dissatisfied with the President since he publicly expressed his support for same-sex marriage.
Recent polls indicate that the African-American community in the nation is divided in respect to same-sex marriage. A Pew Center Poll recently found that 63% of African-Americans reject gay marriage and only 37% are in favor.
This is not the first time that Rev. Williams Owens and the Coalition of African-American pastors have criticized President Barack Obama in response to same-sex marriage. In May, Rev. Owens issued a statement condemning the President for comparing the gay rights movement to the African-American civil rights movement.
In his statement, at that time, Rev. Owens said: “The hijacking of the civil rights movement by homosexuals, bisexuals and gender confused people is unacceptable. There is no legitimate comparison between skin color and sexual behavior.”
I believe that many elected officials will lose constituents and some will lose their seats because of their position in favor of same-sex marriage and the Democratic Party is in danger of losing the majority in the United States Senate and even the President’s re-election could be problematic and all of this because of same-sex marriage.
I am Senator Rev. Ruben Diaz and This Is What You Should Know.
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