What You Should Know
Ruben Diaz
October 19, 2012
By Senator Rev. Rubén Díaz
32nd Senatorial District, Bronx County, New York
Tel. 718-991-3161
Governor Cuomo’s not only working against the Democratic Party but also against Black and Hispanics in New York State
You should know that recently, Governor Andrew Cuomo publicly endorsed Republican Senator Stephen Saland against his Democratic opponent. Governor Cuomo claims that he did so because Senator Saland voted to legalize gay marriage in New York State.
How many Democrats in New York State are stepping up to criticize our fearless leader as he breaks rank to endorse a Republican opponent for State Senate?
I’ll do the honors and be the first.
You should know that each time I endorse a candidate who is not a Democrat but who shares my moral principles of traditional marriage and respect for the unborn, I am publicly mocked in news articles, in blogs and oh yes, in tweets. I receive phone calls from fellow Democrats, some who are too afraid to speak to me themselves and shoulder their complaint to my son, Bronx Borough President Ruben Diaz, Jr., telling me to stop because my support for any Republican is not good for the Democratic Party.
But wait just a minute. I am not the leader of the Democratic Party setting an example; I’m only a soldier. Whether or not the criticism and complaints against me continue, I think everyone knows that I will stand by my beliefs.
So about Governor Cuomo – the Big Cheese – who is New York State’s Democratic Party leader? Doesn’t he have a responsibility to be true to the Democratic Party in New York State? Doesn’t he have a responsibility to support Democrats?
You should know that the control of the New York State Senate will be determined by the outcome of the November 6th General Election for the State Senate races. Governor Cuomo’s endorsement of a Republican for Senate makes our victory as Democrats a real challenge.
I didn’t want to bring the race card into this, but you should know that every position of high level in New York State, from Governor to Comptroller, to Attorney General – is all White. There are no Blacks or Hispanics in high positions in New York State. In 2012 in New York State, the only chance we have, not only as Democrats who want to and have the ability to get back control of the Senate, but also to get a minority in a statewide leadership position, is to get Democrats in control of the State Senate.
I believe that Governor Cuomo is not only working against the Democratic Party as the leader – who as the leader should be protecting and defending the party and its candidates – but I also believe that he is working against racial equality and minority opportunities by preventing Black and Hispanics from gaining positions of leadership in New York State.
If Democrats are unable to take back control of the Senate, I wonder who will be out there shaking Governor Cuomo’s hand? Due to the fact that by refusing to endorse members of his own party, (which he is the top leader) and doing everything possible to stop the Democrats from getting elected to New York State Senate, he will be completely responsible for his own party’s defeat and preventing a Black or Hispanic from becoming the leader of the New York State Senate.
This is Senator Rev. Rubén Díaz and this is what you should know.
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