Minimum Wage Increase

Shirley L. Huntley

April 18, 2012

News From New York State
Senator Shirley L. Huntley
For Immediate Release:
April 19, 2012
Contact: Antonio Rodriguez | | (518) 455-3531


Senator Shirley L. Huntley Stands with the Senate Democratic Conference in
Favor of a Minimum Wage Increase

(Albany, NY) Senator Shirley L. Huntley (D-Jamaica) and the Democratic Conference hosted a public forum this week on increasing the New York State minimum wage. The forum was widely attended by members of the Democratic Conference, as well as Howard Hubbard, Bishop of Albany, business and advocacy groups and New Yorkers currently working for minimum wage.

The specific legislation discussed at the forum was S. 6335-B, sponsored by Senator Adriano Espaillat and supported by the Democratic Conference. This bill would raise the minimum wage to $8.50 in 2013 and $9.25 in 2014 and link raising the minimum wage to the rate of inflation starting in 2015.

“Working class New Yorker’s deserve every possibility to be able to thrive in this very difficult economy,” Senator Huntley explained. “By raising the minimum wage we are taking a giant step forward in better protecting the state of New York and providing adequate resources to those who deserve it the most.”

Increasing the minimum wage to $8.50 would help approximately one million workers, which is about 11 percent of the New York’s workforce. In a recent letter to Senate Majority Leader Skelos, Senate Minority Leader Sampson demonstrated that among other reasons to raise the minimum wage, Massachusetts and Connecticut recently raised their minimum wages and both states outpaced the national economy last year. The ripple effect of raising the state’s minimum wage to $8.50 would be significant enough to create roughly 7,500 new jobs here in New York.

“Families in New York State have seen their cost of living increase while their salaries have stagnated, decreased, or disappeared due to loss of employment.” Senator Huntley said” The passage of Senate Bill S. 6335-B will undoubtedly help many struggling individuals and families who are trying to make ends meets during this difficult economic climate. Working class New Yorkers deserve an opportunity to effectively support themselves and their families, without having to live paycheck to paycheck or solely rely on public assistance.”