Senate OKs Piercefield Town Justice legislation

Betty Little

April 24, 2013

            The New York Senate today approved legislation that would amend state law to allow the Town of Piercefield to elect a town justice who is not a town resident.  The legislation, requested by the town earlier this year, is sponsored by Senator Betty Little.   

            “State law paints with a broad brush and oftentimes it is the smaller communities that have difficulty meeting requirements like this one,” said Little.  “This change in law provides an exemption for Piercefield based on a need.”

            According to a resolution adopted by the town board in March, no registered voter in the town has run for the elected office of Town Justice for several years, which has necessitated the temporary appointment of a justice by the district administrative judge. 

            The legislation, S.3933, would provide a long-term solution by authorizing the town to elect a town justice who is not a resident or elector of the town and could be from a neighboring county.

            The legislation was delivered to the Assembly where it is sponsored by Assemblywoman Janet Duprey.

