Tkaczyk Delivers First Resolution Honoring Local Man on 100th Birthday

Cecilia Tkaczyk

January 31, 2013

Senator Cecilia Tkaczyk hand-delivered her first Senate resolution today to Fordyce Post, a resident of the Town of Lloyd who celebrated his 100th birthday on January 30.

“This is truly a wonderful occasion, and I am honored to be a part of the celebration,” Tkaczyk said. She told Mr. Post “This resolution is especially meaningful for me, as it is the first I have introduced as the Senator from New York’s 46th Senate District.”

Tkaczyk’s resolution highlighted many of the extraordinary events Mr. Post has witnessed in his long life. “This distinguished man has experienced the incredible joys and sorrows characteristic of and reserved for those with the stamina and courage to savor a full life,” she said.

Born in Kingston in 1913, Mr. Post was a devoted husband to the former Virginia Freer for more than 70 years.  He retired from Schatz Federal Bearing Company in Poughkeepsie in 1974, but, prior to joining Schatz, worked on the construction of the Mid-Hudson Bridge, and also worked for the New York Central Railroad.

Tkaczyk said “Senior citizens bring a wealth of experience and knowledge to the increasingly active roles they play in today's society; their past contributions and future participation are a vital part of, and valuable asset to, the fabric of community life and activity.”

Senator Tkaczyk commended Mr. Post for enhancing the lives of his family and friends, and for his service to the community, noting in particular his past membership in the Highland Fire Department.

The resolution, which was adopted by the full Senate, reads:

LEGISLATIVE RESOLUTION congratulating Fordyce Post upon the occasion of celebrating his 100th Birthday

 WHEREAS, Senior citizens bring a wealth of experience and knowledge to the increasingly active roles they play in today's society; their past contributions and future participation are a vital part of, and valuable asset to, the fabric of community life and activity; and

 WHEREAS, Son of Catherine and Robert Post, Fordyce Post  was  born  on

 January 30, 1913 in Kingston, New York; and

 WHEREAS,  Fordyce Post honorably served his country as a member of the

 Civilian Conservation Corps while stationed in Mississippi; and

 WHEREAS, In 1936, Fordyce Post married Virginia Freer at Holy  Trinity

 Church, a loving union of over 70 years; and

 WHEREAS,  Throughout  his  life  Fordyce Post wore many hats; he was a self-employed shad fisherman, he worked for C.M. Clay running the gas station,  and worked at the Rathgeb Knitting Mill where he ran the steam boilers; and

 WHEREAS, Fordyce Post also worked on building the Mid-Hudson Bridge; he was a rivet jack and a climber and was atop the high towers of the bridge on several occasions; and

 WHEREAS, In addition, Fordyce Post worked for the New York  Central Railroad  and  spent the majority of his working years at Schatz Federal

 Bearing Company in Poughkeepsie; he retired in 1974; and

 WHEREAS, A valued and involved member of his community, Fordyce Post is a past member of the Highland Fire Department; and

 WHEREAS,  This  exceptional  centenarian,  with his zest for life, has inspired and enhanced the lives of his family and friends; and

 WHEREAS, This distinguished man has experienced the incredible joys and sorrows characteristic of and reserved for those with the stamina and courage to savor a full life; and

 WHEREAS, This beloved man has enriched the lives of those around him through his joyous and sincere love for others and through the quiescent charm and wisdom which comes only from a fullness of years; and

 WHEREAS,  It is the intent of this Legislative Body to publicly recognize those who have reached such a remarkable age and who have witnessed and  celebrated  the  innovations,  cultural  developments  and  awesome achievements  of  this country during the last century, while themselves contributing to the growth and excellence of this  great  Empire  State; now, therefore, be it

 RESOLVED,  That  this  Legislative  Body pause in its deliberations to congratulate Fordyce Post upon the occasion of his 100th  Birthday;  and be it further

 RESOLVED, That a copy of this Resolution, suitably engrossed, be transmitted to Fordyce Post.