Snow Storm Assistance Contact Numbers
Charles J. Fuschillo Jr.
December 13, 2013

With several inches of snow forecast for our area this weekend, following are contact numbers where you can get assistance. You may wish to print this out and keep it handy:
To report power outages or downed power lines:
* LIPA Hotline: 800-490-0075
* Freeport Electric: 516-378-0146 (Village of Freeport residents only)
24 Hour Gas Emergency Service:
* National Grid: 800-490-0045
For snow plowing issues:
* Town maintained roads:
Town of Hempstead: 516-489-5000
Town of Oyster Bay: 516-677-5757
Town of Babylon: 631-957-7474
* Village maintained roads:
Village of Freeport: 516-377-2289
Village of Massapequa Park: 516-798-0244
Village of Amityville: 631-789-2200
Village of Lindenhurst: 631-957-7520 or 631-957-7521
* County maintained roads:
Nassau County: 516-571-6900
Suffolk County: 631-852-4070
* State maintained roads:
New York State Department of Transportation: 631-904-3059
Up to the minute information about traffic conditions on Long Island’s major roads:
* New York State Department of Transportation’s 511 service: Call 5-1-1 or visit www.511ny.org.