Squadron: Lich Hearing in Westchester a 'Slap in the Face'

Daniel L. Squadron

March 15, 2013

BROOKLYN -- Today, State Senator Daniel Squadron, who represents Long Island College Hospital (LICH) in Cobble Hill, responded to SUNY's plan to hold a Board of Trustees hearing and vote on the future of LICH in Westchester on Tuesday. The hearing was also announced too late for many impacted individuals to sign up to testify. Yesterday, a judge ruled that SUNY had violated the Open Meetings Law in its previous vote on LICH.

Squadron released the following statement:

"It's absurd that SUNY is responding to its unlawful lack of transparency with a shocking lack of transparency. 

"To hold a hearing nearly 40 miles away, without a reasonable opportunity for those most affected to testify, is simply a slap in the face to all those impacted. 

"It continues to be clear that closing LICH makes no sense. SUNY is only confirming that fact with its unwillingness to have an honest and open conversation. 

"I call on the SUNY Board of Trustees to hold a meeting in New York City that complies with the Open Meetings Law and allows those impacted a chance to be heard."
