Squadron on Pool Closings: Decent Parks Can't Be Reserved Only for Those Who Can Most Afford Them

Squadron Proposes Neighborhood Parks Alliance to Ensure More Equity Across NYC's 1700 Parks

NEW YORK -- Today, State Senator Daniel Squadron reacted to the news that four NYC pools -- in East Harlem, Brownsville, Fort Totten, and Staten Island -- are in danger of closing, and that the Parks Department may have to shorten the season for all city pools.

Senator Squadron has proposed a Neighborhood Parks Alliance, which would create partnerships between well-funded conservancies and "member parks" in need of money and support. 

Senator Squadron released the following statement:

"Today's news only underscores what we already know: more and more, good parks, pools, and open space have become a luxury for neighborhoods that can most afford them, rather than something each and every New Yorker has access to.

"Parks are not a luxury or amenity in our city. They are our backyards and our oxygen. It is unacceptable that some of the first pools to close, or the parks with the worst conditions, are in the neighborhoods without the private resources to maintain them.

"That's why we are in dire need of additional city and state funding to sustain and repair our parks, and forestall these closings. 

"And that's why I've proposed a Neighborhood Parks Alliance to ensure that there is more equity across the city's 1700 parks.

"Decent parks simply cannot be reserved only for those who can most afford them."
