Statement by Senator Carlucci on Senate Passage of Legislation Authorizing Rockland County Deficit Financing Bond
David Carlucci
June 21, 2013
"Today, the Senate passed legislation that begins the process of putting Rockland County’s finances back on the right track. This home-rule legislation gives the necessary approval for the County to help finance its accumulated $96 million dollar deficit over a ten-year period.
“Let me be clear – this is not a blank check or a free handout whatsoever. Rather, this bill comes with strict state oversight measures that will force the County to begin making the tough decisions and pay down its deficit. Now, for each fiscal year during which these bonds remain outstanding, the County Executive will be required to submit a proposed budget to the State Comptroller, who in turn will make recommendations to the proposed budget that are binding and must be inserted into the final adopted budget.
“Rockland County government cannot continue to kick the can down the road. It’s time to get serious about reducing costs and finding efficiencies so taxpayers will no longer have to shoulder the burden.”
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