Budget Agreement Meets Key Priorities

ALBANY, 03/21/13 – State Senator James L. Seward (R/C/I-Oneonta) today commented on the state budget agreement:
“With a budget agreement now in hand, New York is on track to complete work on the 2013-14 well ahead of the April 1 deadline, marking our third straight on-time budget and earliest in 30 years. The plan also focuses on my key priorities – job growth, tax relief for middle class families and additional education aid for our area schools.
“The final budget will incorporate elements of the senate Republican Family Tax Relief Act, extending tax cuts to middle class workers, helping families with a $350 rebate check, and incorporating a total of $800 million in tax cuts.
“Tax incentives to hire veterans and credits for giving a teenager his first job will spark job growth. The plan also eliminates the 18-a energy tax surcharge through a three-year phase out, lowering energy costs for businesses, farmers and every New Yorker.
“Finally, the budget agreement channels additional education aid to our area schools, particularly those most in need, and keeps the conversation focused on achieving balance in the formula used to distribute state dollars.”