Senator Flanagan: Washington Leaders Must Protect New York Taxpayers
John J. Flanagan
May 15, 2013
- Property Tax

Senator John Flanagan (2nd Senate District) is calling on congressional leaders to reject the “Double-Tax Plan” included in a federal budget proposal that would end the longstanding policy allowing taxpayers to deduct their state and local tax liability, including property taxes, from their federal taxes. If approved by Congress and signed into law, this change would cost the average Long Island homeowner approximately $4,500 a year.
To help Long Islanders register their opposition to this billion dollar tax proposal, Senator Flanagan is inviting constituents to join him in urging federal lawmakers to protect New Yorkers by defeating this plan. Residents who wish to sign the online petition can do so by clicking here.
“This is a policy change that will have devastating effects on the families in our area and it is imperative that Washington leaders know we oppose this plan. New Yorkers must be protected from being used as the nation’s ATM and I urge every taxpayer to join me in letting our representatives know that this is a harmful policy,” stated Senator Flanagan.
Senator Flanagan noted that implementation of this policy change would affect more than 915,000 Long Island taxpayers. In addition, the Federal government has already enacted a series of recent initiatives that have increased the tax burden on New York residents by a staggering $151 billion – or $15 billion annually.
Some examples of these initiatives that will have a negative impact Long Island families include:
- Obamacare which will cost New Yorkers $21 billion over the next 10 years and also burden New York State with $65 billion in increased Medicaid costs.
- The new federal payroll tax which will cost New York residents $65 billion.
Additional information on this issue can be found in a report Governor Andrew Cuomo recently submitted to Congress that details the devastating impact this proposal would have on New Yorkers. A copy of the report by clicking here.