Senator LaValle Presents Liberty Award

Kenneth P. LaValle

February 22, 2013

Southampton, NY—David Lopez, Director of Facilities Management and Engineering, and his staff of 13 at Southampton Hospital, were awarded a New York State Senate Liberty Award, by New York State Senator Kenneth P. LaValle today.  

One of the highest civilian honors that New Yorker's can receive, the Liberty Award was created in 2000 and is presented  to individuals who have merited special commendation for exceptional, heroic or humanitarian acts and achievements on behalf of their fellow New Yorkers. 

The Hospital department was recognized for its 24/7 dedication during Hurricane Sandy to maintain electrical power critical to keeping Hospital patients safe. 

 “Dave Lopez and his staff ensured that Southampton Hospital patients and staff remained  safe and with power for critically important hospital functions throughout Hurricane Sandy,” said Senator LaValle.  “The award recipients today are recognized for their professionalism, exceptional skill and unflagging dedication.”

On behalf of the entire Hospital staff and Board of Directors, Hospital President and CEO Robert Chaloner, expressed pride in the staff of Facilities and Engineering.  “At Southampton Hospital, we have always known that Dave Lopez and the members of his department have extraordinary dedication and the special skills required to keep the Hospital up and running.  No matter what the situation, we can depend on them to come to the rescue with a solution and, just as importantly, a reassuring smile.  We could not ask for anything better.”


Senator Kenneth P. LaValle with NY State Liberty Award recipient, David Lopez and the team that kept Southampton Hospital up and running during and after Hurricane Sandy.

Front Row:     James White, NYS Senator Ken LaValle, David Lopez,Director of Facilities Management and Engineering

Middle Row:  Jordan Gomez, Rich Donohue, Mike Catalano, Robert Chaloner -- President and Chief Executive Officer of Southampton Hospital 

Back Row:    Gary Scherpich, Tom Goetz, Tom Lawlor, Tom Colitti.