Senator Golden Comments on Governor Cuomo’s Executive Budget Proposal

Martin J. Golden

January 22, 2013



Albany – State Senator Martin J. Golden (R-C-I, Brooklyn) today has issued this statement following Governor Andrew Cuomo’s 2013-2014 Executive Budget proposal:


“Today, Governor Cuomo has set forth a budget plan for the year ahead that will eliminate a $1.3 billion budget gap without an increase in taxes or fees. I applaud the Governor for this fiscally responsible approach toward our State’s finances, while keeping in mind, the financial burden many New Yorkers are facing today.


It appears that the Governor is fast tracking comprehensive Sandy relief efforts, continuing our commitment to educational excellence, and at the same time, focusing on job creation in all corners of our State.


I am particularly pleased that the Governor is proposing to extend my film tax credit at $420 million for an additional five years. This extension will mean more movies, more jobs, and more revenue than ever before.


This is a proposed State budget and there will be changes made. However, as negotiations proceed, I will work to ensure that necessary projects, such as repairing and protecting our coastal communities, and revitalizing our damaged health care infrastructure, remain a priority for the Governor and my colleagues in the State Senate.”