Senator Golden: Nyc to Suspend Alternate Side Parking Tomorrow on the First Day of the School Bus Strike

Martin J. Golden

January 15, 2013

Brooklyn – State Senator Martin J. Golden (R-C-I, Brooklyn) this afternoon is calling upon Mayor Michael Bloomberg and the New York City Department of Transportation to incorporate the suspension of alternate side parking regulations in their contingency plans in light of the imminent school bus strike.


Senator Marty Golden stated, “For the parents who rely on school buses to get their children to and from school each and every day, tomorrow morning will be sure to be a hectic morning as schools bus drivers set to strike. That is why we should remove from tomorrow morning’s equation the need to worry if your car is parked on the right side of the street.”


“As New York City is set to implement a contingency plan, we should add this additional measure to help school arrival and dismissal go as smoothly as possible. We should not be asking parents, or caregivers, to worry about alternate side parking rules in addition to the other complexities they will face tomorrow. The school children of our City and our families must be our first priority.”