Senator Golden Statement on Time Warner Cable and Cbs Contract Negotiations

Martin J. Golden

August 7, 2013

Brooklyn – State Senator Martin J. Golden (R-C-I, Brooklyn) today has issued the followed statement in regarding to the current negotiations between Time Warner Cable and CBS and is urging a timely resolution:


“I am very hopeful that CBS and Time Warner Cable can resolve their retransmission consent dispute soon. However, in the meantime, my constituents and other New Yorkers are being unfairly treated by CBS who has taken the unprecedented step to block TWC broadband subscribers from accessing its programs online.


Broadcasters are given free spectrum to serve the public. By withholding Internet content to advance its negotiating position, CBS is abusing its role as a trustee of the public airwaves and as a result, punishing innocent consumers. I urge both parties to resolve this dispute as soon as possible.”