Winter Storm Precautions from the 68th Precinct and Community Council
Martin J. Golden
February 7, 2013
Dear Friends:
By now everyone knows that there is a possibility of a severe winter storm, heading our way late tonight/early tomorrow, with predictions of large accumulations accompanied by high winds.
This storm can pose serious safety hazards and precautions should be taken.
If the storm hits as predicted the roads can be treacherous. Please do not drive unless it is an emergency. The less cars on the road the lesser the chance of accidents and the easier it will be for snow plows and emergency vehicles to navigate.
The Department of Sanitation be salting and will begin plowing as soon as 2 inches of snow has fallen (this is the level where the plows can be effective). Please park your car appropriately (not sticking out) so that the plows can make it through our streets without incident.
The MTA is taking steps to ensure that subways, buses, commuter rails, bridges and tunnels will be operable and safe but there could be some delays. You should check the MTA’s website: www.mta.info for updates. If you use Metro North or the Long Island Rail Road also expect delays and the possibility of reduced service.
There could be delays and cancellations at airports- call ahead.
There could be downed tree limbs and electrical wires- please be careful
Make sure you have flashlights with working batteries in case of the worst.
Although or neighborhood always shines through with community spirit- please make an extra attempt to check on your neighbors who are seniors or who might need some extra help during this time.
If there are any local closures or other serious problems we will send further updates.
If there is a problem please call the Precinct at 718-439-4229. If there is an emergency dial 911.
Please note:
The following is a list of Cold Weather and Snow Removal Safety Tips from the NYC Dept. of Emergency Management
Exposure to cold can cause life-threatening health conditions. Avoid serious conditions such as frostbite and hypothermia, by keeping warm.
Wear a hat, hood, or scarf, as most heat is lost through the head.
Wear layers, as they provide better insulation and warmth.
Keep fingertips, earlobes, and noses covered if you go outside.
Keep clothing dry; if a layer becomes wet, remove it.
Stretch before you go out. If you go out to shovel snow, do a few stretching exercises to warm up your body. This may prevent injury.
Cover your mouth. Protect your lungs from extremely cold air by covering your mouth when outdoors.
Avoid overexertion. Cold weather puts an added strain on the heart. Unfamiliar exercise, such as shoveling snow or pushing a car, can bring on a heart attack or make other medical conditions worse. Take frequent rest breaks, and drink plenty of fluids to avoid dehydration.
Keep dry. Change wet clothes frequently to prevent a loss of body heat. Wet clothing loses all of its insulating value and transmits heat rapidly.
Stay safe. Walk carefully on snowy or icy sidewalks. If using a snow blower, NEVER use your hands to unclog the machine.
Maintain an awareness of utilities when shoveling snow. Do not cover fire hydrants with snow when clearing sidewalks and driveways. Do not shovel snow into manholes and catch basins.
The 68TH Police Precinct &
The 68th Precinct Community Council
Working Together For Our Community
Please ask your friends and family to join our email system
And remember you can always use this address to send us information on non-emergency crime and quality of life issues.
In an emergency or if you see a crime in progress - Dial 911
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