Senator Gianaris Hosts Woodhaven Mobile Office

Michael Gianaris

October 8, 2013

(Woodhaven, NY) Senator Gianaris hosted a mobile office on Jamaica Avenue in Woodhaven this week. Recently Senator Gianaris launched a districtwide series of mobile offices to celebrate the diverse array of Queens neighborhoods he represents, and to better understand the unique issues and concerns of each community.

“I had a great time talking to Woodhaven residents about the issues that matter most to this community,” said Senator Gianaris. “I am glad the issues at the forefront of my agenda are the same ones that are important to people here, and I look forward to working with everyone in Woodhaven to strengthen public safety and preserve the character of this neighborhood.”

Understanding that public safety is a serious issue in Woodhaven, especially in the wake of the senseless stabbing of a 17-year-old girl on her way home from work, Senator Gianaris informed community members about his extensive work to make our streets safer.

Senator Gianaris was instrumental in passing the SAFE Act, which made New York the first state to pass sensible gun laws after the tragic shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary School. Senator Gianaris has also authored and fought for a number of laws cracking down on sexual predators, and has worked extensively to enhance transportation safety around the city.

Residents who spoke about the need to fight noise pollution and keep area streets clean were happy to hear that Senator Gianaris has always fought to preserve the character of neighborhoods he represents. He has consistently fought against unwanted adult establishments and has supported and participated in street cleanups with community groups.

The mobile office was held at the Woodhaven Residents Block Association offices on Jamaica Avenue.

Senator Gianaris looks forward to working with Woodhaven residents to make the neighborhood an even better place to live, and to his next mobile office at the Ridgewood Library Branch on Wednesday September 4th.

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