Statement by Senator Patty Ritchie on St. Lawrence County Budget
The newly unveiled St. Lawrence County budget represents a step in the right direction when it comes to getting the county’s finances back on track and providing real relief to hardworking taxpayers.
By presenting a plan that will immediately reduce property taxes, St. Lawrence County lawmakers are helping to alleviate the burden placed on homeowners.
Making this possible is the “home rule” legislation allowing St. Lawrence County to set its own sales tax rate. As a lawmaker who has spent the past several years working to reduce taxes, I remain opposed to raising taxes in St. Lawrence County, and anywhere else in New York State.
However, St. Lawrence County lawmakers have made a case that the home rule legislation is an important piece of the puzzle that will enable the county to rebuild its fund balance and save hardworking county taxpayers millions of dollars in unnecessary borrowing costs.
I am hopeful that the county will continue to not only deliver on its promises, but also continue to cut costs and hold the line on spending. I look forward to continuing to work with local leaders in an effort to restore fiscal stability in St. Lawrence County, grow the economy, create jobs and bring new opportunities to the North Country.