What You Should Know
Ruben Diaz
March 11, 2013
By Senator Rev. Rubén Díaz
32nd Senatorial District, Bronx County, New York
Tel. 718-991-3161
Midnight Bus Vigil to Washington, DC
You should know that on Monday, March 25, 2013 at 12:00 midnight, the New York Hispanic Clergy Organization will hold an all-night vigil on buses bound to Washington, D.C., to join the National Organization for Marriage who is organizing a demonstration on Tuesday, March 26, 2013 at 9:00 AM in front of the United States Supreme Court.
It is important for you to know that the United States Supreme Court will convene that day (Tuesday, March 26, 2013) to address and discuss the future of marriage in our nation. The Supreme Court of the Nation can decide whether marriage should be between a man and a woman or whether to re-define it to include men with men and women with women.
This is a topic of great importance for the entire nation - and for every single Christian, Jew, Muslim, Catholic and people of faith. It is for this reason that I am inviting you to join and participate in this vigil to Washington D.C. Once we arrive in Washington D.C., we will join people traveling from all over this nation - including Puerto Rico - to bear witness in favor of traditional marriage to remain between a man and a woman.
You should know that the National Organization for Marriage (NOM) has always been in the forefront, throughout the nation, in the struggle to stop same sex marriage. It is also a fact that for many years, NOM has been raising funds, and coordinating every march and demonstration in the state of New York and everywhere else.
You should remember that when Governor Andrew Cuomo used his office and staff to raise money and to orchestrate the passing of gay marriage in the State, it was the National Organization for Marriage among others, who took the fight on their shoulders. With their help, we organized different rallies and demonstrations where thousands of people came together, in front of Governor Cuomo’s office in Manhattan, On the steps of the Supreme court of Bronx County and in many other places.
Now, One more time, NOM is giving us the opportunity to join people from all over the nation, in what could be our last opportunity to deal with same sex marriage once and for all. Due to the fact, and you should know, that with the ruling of the United States Supreme Court, same sex marriage will be legal or illegal in every state in the nation, including Puerto Rico and any other colony of the United States.
That is why, we should all be in front of the United States Supreme Court on Tuesday, March 26, 2013 at 9:00AM.
If you want and can fill a bus of 50 passengers, You should call The National Organization for Marriage at (888) 894-3604, who will provide it in front of your church, organization, civic or community group.
Here is our schedule of activities for Tuesday, March 26 in Washington, DC:
8:30AM: Gather at National Mall location between 10th Street and 12th Street NW and between Madison Drive NW and Jefferson Drive SW
9:30AM: March to the Supreme Court and then return to the National Mall location
11:00AM: Rally begins at National Mall location (live music, speakers and more)
1:00PM: March for Marriage concludes, return to buses to travel back to New York
I am Senator Rev. Ruben Diaz and this is what you should know.
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