What You Should Know
Ruben Diaz
April 1, 2013
By Senator Rev. Rubén Díaz
32nd Senatorial District, Bronx County, New York
Tel. 718-991-3161
Will Catholics Like Governor Andrew Cuomo Follow Pope Francis' Example?
You should know that I am an Evangelical Christian, and my faith is based on the Bible and on the Judeo-Christian belief which teach us that the Jews are the Chosen Ones, and that whoever curses them will be cursed and whoever blesses them will be blessed. I share serious concerns raised by many Catholics about how there are many people who claim to be devoted Catholic Christians, but their actions do everything possible to separate themselves from the faith that they claim to profess.
You should also know that with the selection of Pope Francis as the new leader of the Catholic Church, Catholicism has been given a sense of renewed hope. This has been demonstrated by the examples Pope Francis is giving the world by being so humble and down to earth, to the point of going to a prison to wash and kiss the feet of inmates. This is something so admirable and full of sensitivity, and of Christian teaching, that I am willing to say that the Catholics will soon see the numbers of those participating grow back to what it once was.
There will be many professed Catholics who will rededicate themselves back to the active practice of their religion by following the example of Pope Francis. Even the washing of the feet that is traditionally done only on Holy Thursday may take a greater role. But you should also know that there are other Catholics like Governor Andrew Cuomo and some elected officials who have been doing and pushing for things that are in total contrast to what Pope Francis and the Catholic Church teaches.
Among the teachings of the Catholic Church that every good Catholic should follow (if in reality that they are practicing Catholic) is the respect for life. Life, according to Pope Francis and the Catholic Church is sacred, and should be respected from the moment of conception: because it is God who has allowed this to happen. As you may know, New York State Governor Andrew Cuomo, a Catholic, has been doing everything to fight the Catholic teaching in that regard.
Marriage between same-sex people is another topic that Pope Francis and the Catholic Church strongly reject. The Catholic Church’s teaching and beliefs are found in the Bible, where it says that it was God who created the idea of one man and one woman, and blessed them as a couple. You should also know that it was New York State Governor Andrew Cuomo, a Catholic, who fought tooth and nail to oppose these teachings of the Catholic Church through his bill to legalize same-sex marriage.
Governor Andrew Cuomo used his staff, raised money, called members of the Senate to his office to twist their rubber arms, and coordinate meetings all over the State of New York to confront and oppose the Catholic faith and those that believe that marriage should be between opposite sexes.
There are many other teachings by Pope Francis and the Catholic Church that our beloved Governor and too many Catholic elected officials tend to forget – and then go to church to receive Holy Communion and profess to be practicing Catholics. I am aware of the Catholic Sacrament of Reconciliation, and how it is possible for people to receive Communion after confessing their sins, but I share concerns raised by Catholics who stress that: When pro-abortion politicians receive Communion at public Masses a message is sent out that they are in good standing with the Church.
As I said in the beginning, I am not Catholic. I am an Evangelical Christian who believes in what the Bible says, and because I am not a member of the Catholic hierarchy, I cannot place any Catholic politician in discipline. As Pope Francis leads the Catholic Church by example, I hope and pray that Catholics – including Governor Andrew Cuomo – will follow his example.
This is Senator Reverend Rubén Díaz, and this is what you should know.
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