Senator O'Brien calls for fracking moratorium

Ted O'Brien

May 22, 2013


ALBANY, N.Y. – Today, Senator Ted O'Brien stood with his Democratic conference colleagues to call for a moratorium on the issuance of certain natural gas drilling permits until a comprehensive health impact study has been completed.  Senator O'Brien stressed the importance of allowing the scientific inquiry regarding "fracking" to advance before making a final decision.

“My district in the Finger Lakes region is home to some of our nation’s most pristine fresh water sources, acclaimed vineyards and beautiful landscapes," Senator O'Brien said.  "Preserving these natural resources is not only important to our environmental and public health, but to our economic future as well. Until we truly understand the potential impact of hydraulic fracturing on our families, our environment, and our emerging industries, we must not allow any new fracking projects to take place in New York. A moratorium will give us more time to study this process and ensure the safety and future prosperity of the Finger Lakes region and our entire state.”


Sen. O’Brien represents the 55th district in the Senate, which is made up of the eastern half of Monroe County and the western half of Ontario County, including much of the city of Rochester.

Media contact:

Thomas J. Morrisey
Communications Director
office:   (585) 218-0034