Senator O'Brien encourages environmental stewardship

Ted O'Brien

April 21, 2013

ROCHESTER, N.Y. – As part of the Earth Day 2013 observance, Senator Ted O’Brien encourages all New Yorkers to commit to preserving our natural resources and protecting our environment for future generations.

“New York has been blessed with abundant natural resources and we have a responsibility to serve as stewards for our environment,” Senator O’Brien said. “For New York to have a vibrant future, we must ensure our natural resources are used by sustainable industries for long-term job growth. Our children deserve to inherit a New York that is economically prosperous and environmentally sound.” 

Senator O’Brien has been recognized for his environmental stewardship and common-sense approach to protecting New York’s resources and was recently honored by the New York League of Conservation Voters as one of the most promising new environmental leaders. In addition to supporting the Cleaner Greener New York Act of 2013, he supported the Electric Vehicle Tax Credit, which will help transition New York to more sustainable sources to power automobiles.

Additionally, Senator O’Brien has introduced multiple pieces of legislation to protect New York’s environment. These bills include legislation to:

  • Establish comprehensive safety requirements for children's jewelry similar to the current requirements for toys. These include limits on cadmium and other heavy metals and are based on existing voluntary standards endorsed by the Consumer Product Safety Commission.
  • Prohibit the manufacture, distribution and sale of toys, food and beverage containers containing bisphenol-A (BPA) intended for children three years of age or younger. BPA has already been banned from use in baby bottles by the federal Food and Drug Administration.
  • Require retailers to stop using thermal cash register tape that contains BPA. Removing BPA from these items has received support from the Breast Cancer Coalition of Rochester.


“Ensuring New York is a good place to live, work and raise a family is my primary responsibility as an elected official. Utilizing our environment wisely for sustainable job growth is the best way to achieve all three results simultaneously. I urge all New Yorkers to get involved this Earth Day, and every day, in making this state cleaner and greener for the next generation,” Senator O’Brien concluded.


Sen. O’Brien represents the 55th district in the Senate, which is made up of the eastern half of Monroe County and the western half of Ontario County, including much of the city of Rochester.

Media contact:

Thomas J. Morrisey
Communications Director
office: (585) 223-1800