Senator Larkin, Assemblyman Skartados Secure $4.19 Million in Emergency Aid to Help Marlboro Central School District

William J. Larkin Jr.

March 28, 2013

With the Marlboro Central School District facing a dire budget gap, Senator Bill Larkin (R,C,I-Cornwall-on-Hudson) and Assemblyman Frank Skartados (D-Milton) announced the 2013-14 state budget comes through with $4.19 million in emergency aid to help the district during its crisis (S.2603-E/A.3003-E). In addition to providing the educational funding needed to give students a quality education, the aid will go a long way to help hold the line on school property taxes, Skartados noted.

"I am very happy that the Senate and Assembly were able to work together and provide $4 million in additional funding for the Marlboro Central School District," said Senator Larkin.  "This issue has been a priority for both Assemblyman Skartados and I and it is a relief to know that we have been able to help both the taxpayers and the students of the district during this difficult financial period."

Following the bankruptcy of Dynergy and the closure of the Danskammer Generating Station – two major property taxpayers for the district – Marlboro schools faced an unexpected and crippling budget crisis. Since the beginning of the Marlboro budget crisis began, Skartados and Larkin advocated on behalf of the school district and successfully secured the funding needed to keep the school district on its feet.

“By working together, we were able to achieve real results to protect our children’s education and hold the line on taxes,” Assemblyman Skartados said. “Each and every one of our schools are facing unique challenges, however, the Marlboro community is facing a devastating financial hardship with the bankruptcy of Dynergy and we had an obligation to ensure our children get the education they deserve to succeed.”

"In a time of need, the Marlboro Central School District once again can count on Senator Bill Larkin and Assemblyman Frank Skartados to help," said Raymond Castellani, Superintendent of Schools for Marlboro Central School District. "Their assistance is very much appreciated by the residents of the town and more importantly by the students of the school district. Having representatives such as Senator Larkin and Assemblyman Skartados is a privilege that not many other school districts have and we value their continued support of education and children."