Honoring Our Heroes this Memorial Day
Dean G. Skelos
May 23, 2014

Although Memorial Day may be a time where we enjoy quality time with friends and family, we must never forget that those privileges have been fought for and defended by countless heroes, many of whom made the ultimate sacrifice.
Formerly known as Decoration Day, Memorial Day was first recognized right here in New York State in 1873. It is fitting that this great tradition began here, due to the long and proud history of New Yorker’s fighting to protect the freedoms of our country. In fact, more New Yorkers have served in the Armed Forces than any other state.
Without them and their selfless dedication, none of what we are so lucky to have in America would be possible.
Please join me in making a special effort this weekend to honor the commitment shown by all of our veterans, and especially those who are not here today to join us. These men and women are true heroes that are deserving of our utmost respect and admiration this Memorial Day, and every day.
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