National Women’s Equality Day

Dean G. Skelos

August 26, 2014

Today  we celebrate Women’s Equality Day. It provides an excellent opportunity for us to commemorate the past achievements of so many who worked for equality, while also highlighting the ongoing efforts to further women’s rights.

New York State has a long, proud tradition of leading the way with women’s rights. Starting with the Women’s Rights Convention in Seneca Falls, advocates such as Susan B. Anthony and Elizabeth Cady Stanton, devoted decades of hard work to ensure that women’s voices could be heard.

In 1919, the passage of the 19th amendment and the extension of voting rights to women, served as the culmination of the work of so many who fought for equality.

But the reality is, 95 years later, there is still work to be done.

I am proud to say however, that New York is once again leading the way. My colleagues and I in the Senate passed a multi-faceted package of bills that will further strengthen equality in our state.

Among other key objectives, the Women’s Equality Agenda will:

 ·         Ensure equal pay for equal work

·        Combat sexual harassment and domestic violence

·         Toughen Human Trafficking laws

Unfortunately, the Assembly has refused to take action on these important bills.

For the benefit of every woman in New York, it’s time they stop putting politics ahead of the needs and concerns of women in New York, and join the Senate in acting on these proposals so that this comprehensive Women’s Equality Agenda can become law.

For more information regarding the Women’s Equality Agenda and how you can lend your support please visit The site also highlights many of the historical achievements of women in New York and across the country.